Thinking out loud about software engineering, product development and life in general. No writer can generate profound insights on a fixed schedule, so you won't find frequent updates here.
Como autenticar no Automóvel Online em macOS
[This is Portugal specific therefore this post is in portuguese] O Automóvel On-line permite pedir pela Internet vários atos de registo sobre veículos e respetivos reboques e receber na sua residência/sede, sem deslocações, o Certificado de Matrícula/Documento Único Automóvel.
How I added Google Analytics real-time visitors to my MacBook Touchbar
A couple of weeks ago I remembered it would be super cool to have the real-time visitors of my website directly on my MacBook Pro Touch Bar, so I decided to do it.
From monolithic to headless: how and why you should adapt your WordPress stack
Every dynamic website consists of two main parts: the backend and the frontend.
Every developer should have a blog, so this is mine
I've been thinking about having a blog for a long time.